250 Ton Crane Installation
Eber HVAC can install equipment in the most difficult locations like this job that required a 250 ton crane with an articulating jib in a high traffic area.

Industrial Dust Collection
Eber HVAC can furnish and install any size dust collector on industrial, commercial or institutional jobs.

Air Distribution Rail-car Painting
Eber HVAC specializes in designing complicated air distribution systems like this system designed to dry the paint on an oversized railroad car.

Sheet Metal Ductwork
Eber HVAC will install insulated sheet metal ductwork like this system in the new Philipsburg Elementary School multipurpose room.

Helicopter HVAC Installation
Eber HVAC has experience using construction helicopters to set equipment on a building when a crane or standard rigging is not available.

Custom Air Handling Unit
Eber HVAC will take on the most challenging projects like installing custom air handling units on a roof 14 stories high at Altoona Hospital.